Empörung über Amnesty

Der AI-Bericht Polizei, Justiz und Menschenrechte (s. meinen letzten Beitrag) stösst in Polizeikreisen erwartungsgemäss auf Empörung. Folgende Zitate aus der NZZ (den Artikel habe ich nur in der englischsprachigen Fassung gefunden):

The Swiss police immediately rejected the Amnesty report.

“The report is marked by a mistrust of the police, the criminal authorities and the courts,” said Karin Keller-Sutter, vice:president of the cantonal police directors’ conference. She said Amnesty was implying the police reacted disproportionately and were latently racist. Dismissing accusations that fallible officers mostly went unpunished, Keller:Sutter said she knew “no other state service that was scrutinised and disciplined in such detail”. She admitted that individual cases could exist, but fundamentally the rule of law was working.

Beat Hensler, head of the Lucerne cantonal police force, found Amnesty’s claims that the courts would go easy on police officers “questionable” and called the report “unreliable”.

Wie bereits gesagt: was Amnesty über unsere Polizei sagt, stimmt einfach nicht. Und dank der dezidierten Stellungnahme von Frau Keller-Sutter, die schliesslich weiss wovon sie spricht, ist es nun auch amtlich.