An dieser Stelle möchte ich einmal auf European Digital Rights EDRI aufmerkam machen. Das Edri-gram kann hier abonniert werden. Es erscheint zwemal monatlich und enthält interessante Beiträge auch mit strafprozessualem Bezug. Das Inhaltsverzeichnis der aktuellen Ausgabe:
- European parliament adopts data retention directive
- Data Retention Directive: reactions related to the costs involved
- French anti-hate groups win case against Yahoo
- French Parliament is making the first step in legalising P2P
- First decision against P2P user in Italy
- France adopts anti-terrorism law
- Comparation between US and European anti-terror policies
- Evaluation of EU rules on databases
- BEUC’s Campaign on Consumers’ Digital Rights
- UK ID card scheme – defeated in the House of Lords
- NL Supreme court ends 10 year old Scientology case
- Developments and troubles connected to the Freedom of Information Act in Macedonia
- WSIS – First Consultations on Establishment of Internet Governance Forum
- Agenda
- About