An dieser Stelle möchte ich einmal auf European Digital Rights EDRI aufmerkam machen. Das Edri-gram kann hier abonniert werden. Es erscheint zwemal monatlich und enthält interessante Beiträge auch mit strafprozessualem Bezug. Das Inhaltsverzeichnis der aktuellen Ausgabe:

  1. European parliament adopts data retention directive
  2. Data Retention Directive: reactions related to the costs involved
  3. French anti-hate groups win case against Yahoo
  4. French Parliament is making the first step in legalising P2P
  5. First decision against P2P user in Italy
  6. France adopts anti-terrorism law
  7. Comparation between US and European anti-terror policies
  8. Evaluation of EU rules on databases
  9. BEUC’s Campaign on Consumers’ Digital Rights
  10. UK ID card scheme – defeated in the House of Lords
  11. NL Supreme court ends 10 year old Scientology case
  12. Developments and troubles connected to the Freedom of Information Act in Macedonia
  13. WSIS – First Consultations on Establishment of Internet Governance Forum
  14. Agenda
  15. About