Verteidigungsrechte in den USA

ABA doppelt im Kampf um die Verteidigungsrechte (Stichwort: Thompson Memorandum) in den USA nach (s. meinen früheren Beitrag) und fordert in einer neuen Eingabe folgendes:

In the context of responding to government inquiries into possible wrongdoing on the part of its personnel, it is legitimate and in the public interest for an organization seeking leniency as a result of its cooperation with the government’s investigation to choose to do any or all of the following:

  1. provide counsel to an employee or agree to pay an employee’s legal fees and
  2. enter into or continue to operate under a joint defense, information sharing and common interest agreement with an employee or other represented party with whom the organization believes it has a common interest in defending against the investigation;
  3. share its records or other historical information relating to the matter under investigation with an employee or other represented party; or
  4. choose to retain or otherwise decline to sanction an employee who exercised his or her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to a government request for an interview, testimony, or other information.

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